Mind, body, energy, and emotion; these are the main four truths throughout your life. Whatever you wish to do to pass the time, it must be on these four levels. If you make use of your feelings and attempt to achieve the last, we call this bhakti-yoga, the way of commitment.

What is bhakti-yoga?

Bhakti means devotion to God and love – devotion and love to His Creation, with esteem and care for all of nature and all living beings. Everyone can rehearse Bhakti Yoga, regardless of whether youthful, old, rich or poor; regardless of to what country or religion one has a place. The way of Bhakti Yoga drives us securely and straightforwardly to the objective.

Bhakti Yoga additionally incorporates the love of a form of God. God is all over the place. God abides inside us and surrounding us. It is just as we are associated with God by a fine string – the string of adoration. God is Universal love. Love and Divine Grace encompass us and course through us, yet we are not aware of this. The minute this cognizance, this Divine love, has been experienced, one never wants much else. We, at that point, know the significance of genuine affection for God.

An individual lacking Bhakti resembles a fish without water, a feathered creature without wings, a night without the moon and stars. All creatures need love. Through it, we feel ensured and cheerful simply like a kid in the arms of its mom or a voyager toward the finish of a long, challenging adventure.

A Brief History of Bhakti Yoga

In its most perfect form, bhakti consumes like a reverential flame in the heart. A new and extraordinary case of a bhakti yogi originates from the twelfth century when a 10-year-old young lady named Akka Mahadevi avoided youth amusements and rather turned into a lover of Shiva, the Hindu divinity known as the part of negative powers.

Mahadevi, in the end, wedded a local ruler. However, she found that her mind-boggling love for Shiva dominated human love. She dismissed her significant other and fled. As indicated by legend, she surrendered the majority of the wealth of the kingdom, abandoning even her garments, and utilized her long hair to cover her body. For an amazing remainder, Mahadevi dedicated herself to Shiva, praising him enthusiastically as she voyaged happily around India as a meandering writer and holy person.

Akka Mahadevi is a component of the rich custom of bhakti-yoga, which, verifiably, is viewed as a response to a progressively parsimonious way to deal with self-acknowledgement. Five thousand years back, yoga spoke to a soul of battle, a single quest for beating the body and psyche. As he continued looking for illumination, the original yogi surrendered garments for an undergarment, disregarded material belongings, and paid little notice to the body’s craving for sustenance and sex. By disavowing every common delight, he looked to calm his psyche and know the Self.

There are two types of Bhakti:

  • Para Bhakti– Universal love
  • Apara Bhakti– egoistic love

Following are the nine elements of Bhakti Yoga explained by Sage Narada in Bhakti Sutras:

  • Satsang – good religious company
  • Shraddha – Faith
  • Hari Katha – to read and hear about God
  • Mantra Japa – Repetition of God’s name
  • Ishvara Bhajana – to chant the honour of God
  • Shama Dama – control and withdrawal of the senses regarding worldly things
  • Santosha – Contentment
  • Santo ka Adar – to demonstrate honour to natives who have devoted their lives to God
  • Ishvara Pranidhana – dedication to God

There is no profound way without Bhakti. If a school understudy detests a subject of study, he is scarcely ready to finish the course. Similarly, it is just when there are love and dedication for our training, firm adherence to our way and ever aware of our objective, that we can defeat all hindrances.

You can perform or practice Bhakti yoga in the following ways:

1. Sravana:

This stage figures out how to hear various stories and old accounts of various Gods and their immensity.

2. Kirtana:

This movement figures out how to talk about various religious melodies psalms are endeavouring to please and worship the god-like.

3. Smarana:

This bit of Bhakti clarifies remembering God and making his embodiment felt encompassing you, to such a degree, that you ignore your one of a kind good proximity.

4. Padasevasana:

At this phase, one needs to help humankind to accomplish the certifiable soul of responsibility to God.

5. Archana:

This infers loving the Lord through a picture or picture, which can be both physical and mental, yet the middle must be in fulfilling the ace by submerging yourself in all-out supplication and regard.

6. Vandana:

This is a time of complete settlement to God through significant and huge different experience techniques.

7.  Dasya:

Ending up genuinely a labourer of God, that is what Dasya organize is about. You are no more yourself yet a submitted worker to God discussing his splendour, balances, characteristics, and feelings.

8. Sakhya:

This stage clarifies on making God your friend with whom you can concede and give your insolvencies and issues of life.

9. Atmaniveda:

The last bit of Bhakti Yoga oversees offering yourself to God, physically, objectively, openly, and significantly. Nothing exists around you other than God.

Benefits of Bhakti Yoga:

  • It reduces your identity as well as wards off you from negative thoughts like a sense of self, an annoyance, and assumption.
  • It gives you peace and knowledge.
  • You feel joyous and blissful with the assistance of Bhakti Yoga.
  • Bhakti Yoga reduces your sorrows and pains.
  • It takes away anxiety, fear, and worry as well as keeps you calm
  • It will present you with a thought of the delightful.
  • This Yoga allows you to control your thoughts and hold sturdy conditions with easiness

So, make sure to make Bhakti Yoga a part of your daily routine to bring some peace in your stressful life.