There is a huge difference between the cheapest Yoga Teacher Training Course and an affordable Yoga Teacher Training Course. Yoga teacher training is not a 200-hour or  500-hour program; it will be the essence and a significant turning point in your life. It is a part of life that will deliver an enchanting yoga experience, an experience you will embrace for life.

When considering joining a yoga teacher training, you must have gone through many Yoga teacher training centers. There must be the YTTC that has promised to deliver top-notch services at cheap rates. And after all the research, you must be confused about making a perfect decision for your yoga teacher training.

So here is a blog that will bust the truth behind the cheapest yoga teacher training and help you make a better decision for yourself.

Cheap isn’t always good, and expensive isn’t always bad.

Below are the factors you must consider to help you choose the perfect yoga teacher training.


The first thing to look at in a yoga teacher training course is the occupancy of students in each class. Here you need to look at the quality of students, and when the number of students is low, only you can ensure a good quality of yoga teacher training.

Expensive training is expensive because they occupy less number of students compared to the cheaper ones who are not engaged in filling the seats.

A good yoga teacher training will only occupy a maximum of 15 students in each class.


Another thing one must consider while choosing a good yoga teacher training is the number of teachers engaged in teaching a particular class.

A good yoga teacher training will have six teachers to handle around 15 students. A good amount of teachers will ensure proper and personal attention to every student in the class. It will impact the overall quality of yoga teacher training.

Usually, the Cheapest yoga teacher training courses have only one or two teachers to handle a vast class. These students cannot get a personal touch, and the quality is poor.


If you are looking for a hygienic and healthy environment for spending your prime time at yoga teacher training, the cheapest yoga teacher training obviously fails.

The cheapest yoga teacher training will deliver a filthy and unpleasant environment that will not give you a soothing experience. At the same time, expensive Yoga Teacher Training will ensure proper cleanliness and a perfect room view for you.

Before finalizing any yoga teacher training, make sure you make a surprise visit to their rooms to check their cleanliness level, as it is perfectly said that cleanliness is next to godliness.


Food is not only for your body but for your soul too. When you are involved in intensive yoga teacher training, it is essential to have healthy and nutritious food. You must take a balanced meal to aid in your daily yoga training.

Good quality food at yoga teacher training will include oats, fruits, veggies, sandwiches, and milk for breakfast, pulses, green veggies, multi-grain chapati, curd, and salads for lunch again and a full course meal for dinner too. It should also include herbal tea and detox tea at least thrice.

When considering enrolling in the cheapest yoga teacher training, ensure you taste their food. At the same time, expensive yoga teacher training will equip you with all the yummy, healthy, and nutritious food.


Water is a basic need, and good quality is necessary. Your body becomes used to the water of the area you have lived in for many years. Thus when you change your place, water is something that can affect your health. So, it’s advisable to consume filtered and safe water.

Premium yoga certification courses provide RO water for 24 hours. The water is stored cleanly and hygienically and is accessible to students. While if you go and check the water served at the cheapest yoga training, you will not like it.

Water is highly responsible for your gut health; thus, it is vital to consider good water for yoga training course.


In the era of digitalization, when it is crucial to showcase your talent for a significant response, WIFI is essential. You must post the new things you are learning daily during your training; also, WIFI is necessary to keep yourself updated on the world news.

Expensive yoga teacher training provides you with WIFI for 24 hours. You can post your yoga poses and share your experience whenever you like it. In contrast, there is no 24 hours facility for WIFI at the cheapest yoga teacher training.

So, if you are an internet freak and want the world to see your yoga progress, choose a yoga teacher training with 24 hours WIFI.


Good yoga teacher training institutes always have a 24 hours medical emergency. It is for the safety of students.

It is common to have injuries, cuts, and wounds in physical activity. Thus, in yoga teacher training, many students became unconscious or prone to sunstroke, fractures, and many other mishappenings due to the intensive training.

So here, to have a 24 hours medical emergency is not a luxury but a necessity. Choose a yoga teacher training that is ready to take you to the hospital in case of any emergency.


Expensive yoga teacher training serves you tea and coffee without sugar and milk for 24 hours. Beverages are needed to keep your energy up throughout the day; thus, drinks should be such that it does not make you feel lethargic and instead amplify your energy.

Usually, a good course will serve you herbal tea, detox tea, black coffee, and even green coffee to boost your metabolism and keep you energized. Check whether the institute you choose for yoga teacher training provides you with 24 hours facility for Tea and coffee.


Typically, yoga teacher training courses are 200-hour training in hatha yoga or vinyasa. But a unique yoga program will make your ordinary course more exciting and happening.

An expensive yoga teacher training will offer you Aerial yoga with 200-hour or 300-hour yoga teacher training. Including a new variety of yoga will break the monotony and make it more interesting.

Some institutes help you customize your yoga teacher training programs to improve growth. Do not get fooled by the dull and monotonous program running at cheap rates. Because the better you will study, the better you will learn.


Who said revisions are meant till school? We need modifications every time we learn something new. So yoga teacher training would be excellent if it conducts regular revision classes for students.

Revision is needed to strengthen your learning and clarify problems and issues related to a particular subject. An expensive yoga teacher training courses conduct revision classes on Sundays at least once a month. So, choose a yoga teacher training that gives you ample knowledge and time to reflect upon them.

Students don’t need to attend a revision class, but it benefits students who are slow at learning or have doubts.


One can have fun with learning. It gets boring studying continuously in a particular room or hall. Thus when a curriculum incorporates outdoor activities that will enhance the productivity of yoga teacher training, it is worth it.

Choose a yoga teacher training program that will include many outdoor games and activities like meditation. Outdoor activities will make you more relaxed and calm, and it would be great to enjoy sunsets and feel the amazing breeze.

If you do not want monotonous days at yoga teacher training, choose an expensive one for more fun and thrilling activities.


Security is needed in every aspect of our lives, so how can we miss security when choosing yoga teacher training? Choose a yoga teacher training that has CCTV installed at every place and that too in working conditions.

It is important to have CCTV cameras for the tight security and safety of students. Many cheapest yoga teacher training programs may fool their customers by saying they have CCTV installed, but they are not in working condition. Look for a program with well-equipped security guards and CCTV surveillance for 24 hours.


You are going to spend most of the time at the yoga hall. So, choosing a place with a big yoga hall is good. A yoga hall should be neat and clean, air-conditioned, and equipped with the needed amenities.

Before deciding on a particular yoga teacher training, you can visit the place and see how big the hall is and keep an eye on its neatness and comfort.

Some cheap yoga teacher training programs have congested and suffocating halls due to a lack of proper ventilation and more students.


The dining area of any place talks about overall hygiene and cleanliness. Checking out the dining area will give clarity on how well the site is maintained. So visit the dining area and also check the kitchen and the surrounding; you will get an idea about choosing a particular yoga teacher training.

Choose a yoga teacher training that has a hall that is fully air-conditioned, neat, and clean. Do not fall for cheap yoga teacher training, as your health is a priority. A good environment determines good health.


A cafeteria is one the most extraordinary and happening places to hang out with your friends. If you are looking to eat something different or want an exceptional coffee, there is no better place than a cafeteria.

A cafeteria is where you will create moments of magic with your friends and even teachers. So a perfect cafeteria is all you need. Look for a yoga training certification that has an ideal cafe and offers students discounts so they can access it easily.

Cafeterias are not for fun but also a place to discuss some fantastic decisions in life. So choose a place that you feel relatable.


You are going to spend months in a yoga teacher training program. Many cheapest yoga teacher training programs promise a safe environment, but you will feel unsafe. So you must have a place where you feel safe and family-like.

So look for programs that you feel connected to. It is always better to ask for demo classes for at least three days to know the atmosphere and people around the program. Once you attend a demo class, you will get an idea to choose it or not.

Some Yoga teacher training programs are expensive but never fail to deliver their students the best and safest environment.


If a yoga teacher training program asks you for money for study material, you fall into a trap. The fees of the yoga teacher training program include the study material. It will consist of books on each subject, and also, around 100 ebooks in the form of PDFs will be provided to students for extra study material.

Expensive yoga teacher training programs have access to their library, where they have books related to yoga, fitness, and nutrition.

Visit the library and ask for the book details before finalizing a yoga teacher training program.


The best thing about the expensive yoga teacher training programs is that they have their properties. So the dining area, yoga hall, and rooms are not far from each other.

The property is closely knitted, and you will find all amenities on the same campus. So it becomes easy for students to reach for their meals and classes on time without discomfort. At the same time, cheap yoga teacher training programs have rented properties far from each other. So, students encounter problems with traveling from one place to another for food, rooms, and classes, causing discomfort.


Cheap yoga teacher training programs take their students for granted. They do not adhere to the timings, nor is their teaching culture up to the mark. They are also not bothered about students’ problems and carry an irresponsible attitude towards their duties.

While expensive yoga teacher training programs strive for excellence, they are genuinely working for the welfare of students and making efforts to help them become successful yoga instructors. They also have a grievance handling team that timely visits and asks students to share any problem they face with the training.


The service of expensive yoga teacher training does not end at giving one or two months of yoga teacher training. They help you with post-training services, like setting up your yoga teacher training program or establishing a yoga studio.

While if you think that cheap yoga teacher training will provide you with these services, then you are wrong. It can happen that they did not even pick up your phone. So invest in the yoga teacher training program that values your future and helps you achieve your goals.


The blog aims to inform readers of the fraud in the name of yoga teacher training. Good yoga teacher training has all the amenities that ease your yoga learning journey.

The blog not only has the writer’s personal opinion but also opinions from students who have experienced both cheap and expensive yoga teacher training. As a yoga instructor, I aim to deliver the best to each student so they can also become successful yoga teachers.

You can always take the help of pass-out students from a particular yoga teacher training program to know more about their amenities. Visit the programs and ask for demo sessions; you will clearly know what to choose. It will help you to make a wise decision. Remember to make your yoga teacher training journey an enhancing experience.


Have a Happy Yoga Learning!


After doing a lot of research and studies on various yoga schools, we found AADI YOGA SCHOOL, RISHIKESH was one of the best yoga schools that offered the best yoga training to their students at an affordable price with all-around quality management. Aadi Yoga is found to fulfill all the 20 parameters that are required to choose the perfect yoga teacher training.

We will post soon more updates about the other locations i.e. Goa, Dharamshala, Nepal & Bali.