Yoga Teacher Training Course

Good students make great teachers!

The above quote is perfect for everyone who aspires to be a teacher. If you plan to become a yoga teacher and enroll in a yoga Instructor training course, you must know about the challenges involved.

A yoga teacher training is an intensive program that transforms you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You must give your heart, mind, and soul to your yoga teacher training for a fantastic transformation and an elevated career in yoga.

Students who are embarking upon the journey of yoga teacher training must be anxious about how will be their experience of yoga learning. For a great experience, we need to prepare ourselves extensively.

So if you are heading for yoga Instructor training, read on and follow the ten steps and get the much-needed confidence.

Steps Towards The Door Of Success

Step into the most challenging yoga instructor training journey with confidence. Here is what you need to do:

1. Set Your Intentions Right

You need to know the purpose of joining a yoga Instructor training. Do you want to take it up as a career or personal practice? Setting your intentions is the first thing you must do before signing up for any yoga teacher training.

You may have joined YTT to enhance yourself, but now you want to help people with learning yoga. Setting your intention is necessary to keep you motivated throughout the challenging yoga teacher training journey. Remember that your purpose can always change, even in the middle of your training.

Let your heart guide you towards the path of perfect intentions.

2. Do Your Homework

Read as much as you can before your yoga instructor training starts. Reading will help you to set a good foundation for your further higher studies. As consistent yoga practitioners, we know various asanas and poses but not their basic philosophy. So when you read the books, you will get the philosophy.

Broaden your views by studying yoga philosophy in advance; read yoga sutras and Bhagvat Gita as the spiritual foundation. Reading will teach you about various pranayama, yajnas, yams, and niyams that are the pillars of yoga.

You will be confident and interactive in the yoga teacher training Course when you know about the philosophy by reading books.

3. Spend Time At The Destination

It always gets challenging to adapt to a new country; thus, if you plan to take up a yoga instructor training Course at a place far from you, visit your chosen destination. Try to spend a couple of days there, feel the climate and check whether it suits you or not.

You will find a whole new culture, food, climate, and people; thus, settling down may take a few days. Pre-visiting the place will also aid you in listing down the essential things you need to carry with you to the yoga instructor training.

Gift yourself some time to get adjusted to a new place.

4. Go With The Flow

The yoga teacher training Course is like a transformation journey, a journey of self-discovery. There are several ups and downs. You will cry your heart out after yoga, before, and even during yoga. You will experience everything, but you need to let things flow as it is.

You must train your mind to be strong and let everything go. There will be the moment when you will be extra emotional, tired, or overwhelmed, which is completely normal when you choose to study something in-depth. At the end of the journey, you will embrace it.

A journey towards growth and self-discovery is not possible without discomfort.

5. Be Aware Of Yourself

Before yoga Instructor training, it is vital to becoming aware of self. Nothing can make you successful if you are not aware of yourself. Unless and until you do not know what are the hindrances to your success or what are the things that are holding you back.

Learn about your insecurities and ego that are an obstacle to your success. Eradicate any physical, emotional, and mental roadblocks that can hinder your path.

Spend a lot of time with yourself and perform activities that will help you to know more. Know why you will succeed and what you will learn along the journey.

6. Get Into Consistent Yoga Practice

When you have enrolled in yoga teacher training, it is time to get your body and mind to indulge in consistent yoga practice. There is no need to give a shock to your body by suddenly practicing yoga for hours at a yoga teacher training.

So to save your body from mishaps, it is crucial to set it with the prior yoga practice. You can join a yoga class or can consistently practice at home. Access your weekly progress and see the loopholes and how you can work upon them.

The prior practice will aid you in gaining strength and confidence even before you start yoga Instructor training.

7. Start Journaling

Journaling is a crucial part of yoga Instructor training. So it is always better to incorporate journaling into your routine. It will help you process your yoga journey.

Take a few minutes each day to write about your yoga practice and questions that may haunt you. Soon you will feel there is a lot you are learning each day.  Journaling also helps you to process your emotions and things you can not speak to anyone.

Journalising also helps in blocking out the obstacles holding you back and emotions making your heart heavy. A journal will also become your remembrance of the experiences you had during your yoga teacher training.

8. Use Social Media Platforms

During the pandemic, when yoga transitioned as a virtual space, it was important for an aspiring yoga teacher to be socially active.

Let people know what are you doing and how you are doing. The more people get attached to you and your stories, the more you become relevant. And in today’s era where we can freely advertise, why not make the most of it?

Post your best yoga picture and boost your confidence. Try boomerang or time-lapses to show your yoga postures, check in to yoga studios and share your experience. Post a picture with your yoga mat and write a perfect quote. Share the yoga memes, and hence you are activated to the world of social media.

9. Talk To Recent YTT Grads

Talk to someone who has recently completed yoga instructor training at your chosen place. The person will clarify all your questions regarding the yoga Instructor training and can release you from the fears and anxiety you must be going through.

Though teachers and gurus change frequently, you will still get a good idea about what all a yoga Instructor Training Course will be like. Ask them for the list of essentials for the training.

Know what can be done to make the most of the yoga teacher training. Also, learn how was their overall experience or any special tips they would recommend to you.

10. Take A Break!!!!!!

Yoga instructor training is a life-changing experience. It will be a turning point in your career and take you to a different world. You would never be the same after intensive yoga teacher training.

Take a memorable vacation with your friends or family. The idea for a holiday is to relax your body and mind so that you are pumped up to take on a challenging journey and ready for emotional, physical, and spiritual transformation.

So before your yoga teacher training starts and you become super busy with your classes and yoga sessions, it is time to take a break.


I hope these tips will help prepare you for a yoga instructor training course and take your journey to greater heights. I would have been more fortunate to know the above information before joining the yoga instructor training course. Anyways I hope to make your yoga teacher training journey worthwhile.

Remember never to lose hope, how much worst you had your day. Yoga teacher training is not for everyone but can be for you. So, give it your best. Just believe in yourself and your practice. Things may be challenging today, but nothing is impossible, try harder.

Where there is a will, there is a way,

Perhaps not today but tomorrow.

The immense reading is done now; it is time to follow these tips religiously!

Have a happy yoga teacher training!