A well-trained yoga teacher is very important to helping the students learn perfectly. To become a great yoga teacher, one should join a yoga teacher training school that will guide you from the basics. So, you have decided to help people improve the quality of their lives by becoming a yoga teacher. You need to learn all the amazing, life-transforming techniques and exercises first. After that, you will be able to teach those to others. A customised yoga teacher training programme can help you with this.

Like many, you might have some questions. There are so many options available out there. How do I find the right yoga training school for me? So here we are available with detailed information about your queries.

Quick Tips For Choosing Yoga School

Check the Yoga Alliance certification: 

The Yoga Alliance is a professional organisation for yoga teachers. It has set a standard for what a well-designed training programme must-have. Make sure the yoga training programme you select is certified by the Yoga Alliance. If it isn’t, you will not qualify for insurance. For many, this might seem an invalid point. But, insurance is something that will help you feel secure during the training program. So, don’t ignore this important point when selecting a yoga training school.

Choose the time and location:

It depends on your daily schedule and the way you learn new things. For some people, going out of town and taking retreat-style classes is the best way to learn new things. For others, visiting the training schools in the evenings or at weekends is effective. Take your time to decide what will work well for you. If you don’t want any distractions during the training period, then try to join from your heart. It is better to pack your bags and get enrolled in a yoga training school away from your home. If you think you need time between the two training sessions to have a better understanding of the concepts, doing your yoga training for a longer period will serve you the best.

Check the training school’s history:

Before you book your seat for yoga training, do some research into the history of the school.

Try to know-

  • When was the school founded?
  • Are its teachers educated, experienced and knowledgeable?
  • What do their previous students say regarding their training programs?

Examine how they teach.

Ask them how they teach their students. Also, make sure their training programmes include anatomy sessions. Although anatomy may not seem important if you’re good at learning Sanskrit names for exercises and how to sequence them, Still, human anatomy will help you understand things in a better way and pay off big time in the long run.

Do some research about instructors:

You should also check up on the yoga teachers you’re going to study with. Look into how many years they’ve been providing yoga training classes and the schools they took their teacher training from. This will help you make the most important decision—whether you should work with them or not. It doesn’t mean that yoga instructors must have decades of experience. But, working with experienced teachers will help you learn things more quickly than working with those who’re new to teaching.

Check prices, syllabi, and other details:

Ask them how much they charge for their training programmes and if there are any hidden/extra charges. In yoga teacher training, there are hours specified for different things—anatomy, posture labs, history, etc. Each training session focused on different areas using amazing, creative teaching methods. If yoga sutras are something that interests you more, then the anatomy-based programme most likely isn’t for you. Similarly, if you love yoga asanas, you may find the spiritually-focused programmes less interesting.

So, the bottom line is that yoga teacher training is the most important part of a yoga instructor’s career. Take your time to know—what your needs are, how much you’re ready to spend, and how much time you have for the training. Do some online research, and choose the yoga teacher training school that best fits your needs and is right to start the journey of mind, body, and soul.

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