Yoga Branding Mistakes


Basic Yoga Branding Mistakes

We have been working closely with a community of yoga teachers and yoga schools on the process of branding and what that means for their yoga business. Building a yoga brand isn’t just about creating an eye-catching logo or website. Through branding, you are making a promise to offer certain value to your customers. It is the first thing which will help you establish a strong connection with your target audience.

Yoga is more engrafted in the yoga teacher’s life than a salesman or a business consultant. It’s not easy to identify your personal yoga brand. With expression, discussion, and an objective look at your work as a yoga teacher, you can identify your personal brand more effectively and market yourself more successfully to your students.

Today, In the modern yoga world, Yoga teachers have all kinds of moneymaking opportunities to build their own yoga business, by hosting yoga events and yoga retreats either in their own yoga studio or outdoor yoga Shala. The main fact is that for a yoga instructor to host these types of yoga events, they must learn the market and branding of their services. In order to organize their own yoga classes, yoga events and yoga holidays retreat, they must do this well.

Here are the few Yoga Branding Mistakes we see yoga instructors make (and how to prevent them!):

1. Not defining your brand strategy first

Most of the time, yoga teachers ignore the importance of branding in business. A brand is a medium for conveying your message to your target customers. It is all about how you attract your target customers who will resonate with your services. A brand talks about your services and offers when you can’t explain it in person.

How are your students going to know that they’ll love your yoga business or yoga studio in the first impression? How will you persuade them to join you’re your classes or yoga studio if you don’t have the opportunity to talk to them? You will always require an effective brand identity for your yoga business.

2. Not Defining Your Focus

You may have a ton of great ideas that you think will make you millions but if you don’t define the focus of your company, you could face failure. When creating a brand image, one of the most common branding mistakes people make is failing to focus on building a trusting relationship with a well-defined audience. In Yoga business, A Yoga instructor must identify the requirement of your target customers, and work to offer an effective solution.

In Business, you need to be sure the brand communicating the right message. For example, if you’ve built up a yoga business around prenatal yoga classes then everything about your branding should be clear about the prenatal women condition. So, get clear on what your brand represents and whom you’re talking to. Once you know the answers of these two questions, you can design your brand with total clarity.

3. Inconsistency Across Channels

In branding, One of the most important rules is being consistent and it starts with making sure your company visuals match across all platforms including your website, social media accounts, print materials and ads. When we talk about branding, consistency becomes extremely critical. It is that one thing which helps in building familiarity and ultimately, loyalty

Consistency means is using the exact same name/initials, logo, tag line etc. in all your communications, whether internal or external

When we skip consistency in our brand message, we create confusion around our services and what we stand for as a brand.

Many times, your website and social media sites are the first platforms that your customers will see, so you must make a good first impression. Developing a brand, includes your preferred colours, fonts, voice and other elements so you’re always staying consistent and looking professional.

Remember, creating a brand is all about sending a visual message to customers about who you are and what you represent. When people are more familiar with your brand, they are more likely to trust your message and to buy into your services.

4. You’re hiding behind your brand

If you have a brand name and an attractive logo, yet the main picture where individuals can observe your face is a foggy shot covered up on your about page, you’re taking cover behind your image. Except if you have a business that speaks to more individuals, you have to venture out from behind your logo and begin doing your business around you. Individuals need to become more acquainted with the genuine you. Something else, for what reason would it be advisable for them to confide in you or even purchase something from you? In case you’re a yoga educator, ensuring your image centres around you is a key component for your prosperity. Allow individuals to associate with you by including photographs of you on your landing page of the website and social media platform, where individuals can observe your face.

5. Don’t forget the tag line

Generally, a good tag line comprises 3 to 6 believable words which complement your core services in addition to having brilliant appeal. Create an innovative, convincing and relevant tagline may be the hardest part of your branding efforts and could take up a lot of time and thought.

6. Don’t make promises you can’t keep

One of the most common branding mistakes that Yoga schools make, is failing to align the brand experience with the brand promise. Consider this example: your brand messaging could revolve around offering the best yogic experience across the yoga industry. But the success of your brand will depend on you are actually providing the brilliant, unmatched customer service you promised.