Yoga During Pregnancy

Can women do yoga during pregnancy?

Yes. yoga during pregnancy can be valuable for women, as long as you avoid potential risks.

You might be – scared, excited, overwhelmed and happy– all at the meantime. It’s hard to put your finger on only what you’re going through. Isn’t it?

The cramps are unbearable, but the kicks are very pleasant. You could be glowing with eagerness one moment and overwhelmed with excitement the next. Nothing reasonably explains the sensitivity of having a life growing within you. You might also go through a good portion of mood swings; because of hormonal changes in your body. This is exactly why yoga and meditation can be a blessing for you throughout pregnancy.

Yoga and meditation are helpful to let you relax and breathe, which consecutively can help you modify to the physical needs of pregnancy, labour, delivery, and maternity. It relieves both body and mind, providing the emotional and physical stress release your body wants during pregnancy.

Going for a prenatal yoga class is as well a great technique to come across other moms-to-be and begin this journey together.

Which is the Best Time to start yoga during pregnancy?

Your earlier health history before starting with the yoga and activities is important. Those who are new to yoga and giving it a shot just because of their pregnancy must get it after consulting with the doctor. This is because the initial three months of pregnancy, which are the most critical and the possibilities of a miscarriage are high. This is the purpose behind why most extreme alert is significant, particularly during the first three months. It probably won’t appear to be so since the bump isn’t entirely obvious. However, yoga for early pregnancy and pre-pregnancy yoga likewise require a great deal of consideration and direction.

The best time to start yoga during your pregnancy is in your second trimester, which starts following 15 weeks of pregnancy. If there should arise a case of an IVF pregnancy, some yoga instructors suggest to wait for 20 weeks before going for the yoga classes, yet the light breathing and relaxation activities can be performed till the time.

Modifications and Tips for yoga during pregnancy

Choose a place with good air flow

In case you’re working out yoga while pregnancy at a studio, then try to reach early so that you can place your yoga mat near the window or door, where you think you can breathe in proper air flow. It’s essential that you remain cool during an exercise as your body isn’t able to manage your body temperature like it regularly does. You should meet with your yoga teacher to inform him/her about your pregnancy. Your teacher must give clear yoga changes to your body and general guidance for the class itself.

Drink water

A few styles of yoga and some yoga teachers will ask that you don’t drink water during class. It is generally seen as a disturbance just as an approach to “put out the flame” rather than strengthening the internal heat. When you’re practising yoga while pregnancy, it’s essential to remain hydrated—which means you should drink water during yoga class if that is the thing that feels accurate for your baby and body.

Use props

With the increasing size of your belly, the more your focal point of gravity will change, which means you’re feeling off balance also changes. Put your yoga mat near the wall so that you can get help to maintain your balance. You can also use blocks or folded up blankets for additional support. With the help of these can easily practice your favourite yoga poses. For instance, try keeping your foot a shot your shin or even softly contacting the ground in tree posture vs. putting your foot nearer to your groin.

Be mindful during any stretch

Although it may not sense like it on an everyday routine, your body during pregnancy is continuously getting bigger to make space your baby—and that incorporates your exterior body parts as well as your inner body. It’s easy to overdo a stretch or pull a muscle when you are pregnant so, concentrate on building strength and flexibility versus stability. For instance, there’s no compelling requirement to contact your toes with each forward crease; appreciate a delicate stretch forward with wide legs!

Effective Poses of yoga during pregnancy

First Trimester Yoga Asanas

  • Tadasana or the Mountain pose: This helps in relieving back pain and strengthening the spine.
  • Marjariasana or Cat Pose: This posture is fitting just in the first trimester when you are pregnant, and ought to stay away after 26 weeks. It aides to improve blood circulation, and furthermore reinforces the wrists and the shoulders.
  • Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend: Forward twists are not usually suggested during pregnancy; however, this one is a special case and is useful for the back and the legs.
  • Shavasana or Corpse Pose: This is the chilling posture which is perfect relax and calm down the body after the physical movement. After the first trimester, it is suggested to lie on your side and practice Shavasana.

Second Trimester Yoga Asanas

  • Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose: This posture is helpful for the entire body and is useful for strengthening it.
  • Meru Aksharshanasan: This asana helps in loosening up your muscular strength, hamstring muscles and inner thigh. It additionally extends the muscles in favour of the body.
  • Utthanasan: This asana supports the muscles which will be stressed as your weight increments, and furthermore sets you up for delivery. The thighs, middle back and uterus and ankles are practised here
  • Vajrasan: This asana lessens a typical protest during pregnancy related issues. It likewise expands blood circulation to the pelvic area and supports pelvic muscles, subsequently helping in delivery.

Third Trimester Yoga Asanas

  • Pranayam: It is a significant part of the third-trimester practice, Pranayam unwinds and focus while concentrating on rhythmic inhalation
  • Utkatasana: A mixture of breathing and stretching; this asana sets you up for constrictions by helping you centre on your relaxing.
  • Trikonasana or Triangle Pose: This is an extraordinary pose to ease stomach related problems which are linked to pregnancy and furthermore improves the hips flexibility.

Hence, you can practice yoga while you are pregnant, but be sure to consult with your doctor first to stay away from those complications.