Post-COVID Impact On Yoga Schools’ Quality

Almost every industry has been affected in some way by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some sectors have tanked disastrously, certain others flourished, while some successfully redirected their businesses to maintain profits. Pretty much every company had to adapt to the changed circumstances. Working from home became the new normal. Only essential services continued as usual, albeit with precautions.

However, there are some activities that just do not have a satisfactory virtual substitute. Yoga teacher training is one such activity. Consequently, it went through an uncertain phase of both yoga schools and prospective yoga teachers trying to find working alternatives. Now that conditions are once again moving towards the pre-pandemic times, another kind of transition is happening. That is what we will be talking about in this post.

How Did COVID Affect Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga teacher training saw one of the most anomalous impacts as a result of the pandemic. On the one hand, yoga is primarily an in-person activity, yoga teacher training even more so. Yoga teacher trainers need to be able to practically show the various physical aspects of yoga. They need to adjust students individually and make sure they learn the right thing only. After all, the posterity will be in their hands. With the pandemic putting a plug on all, or at least most, face-to-face, close interactions, yoga teacher training saw the threat of disruption.

On the other hand, the pandemic had caused people to be stuck at home. The extra pressure to adapt all facets of their lives to align with social distancing, quarantining and extra-careful hygiene norms put a lot more stress on people than usual. They needed an outlet, a way to release some of the steam. Yoga was the perfect solution. There was a sudden rise in the popularity of yoga during the pandemic. The last legs of the past year saw a rise in the number of students signing up for yoga and yoga teacher training.

The Yoga Alliance had initially responded by asking yoga schools to keep all their yoga classes on hold. But, this could not go on forever. So, the Yoga Alliance decided to let registered yoga schools start online yoga classes. This started a controversy that was long brewing. Earlier, the Yoga Alliance had strictly refused to give official status to online yoga courses that had always been so. With this new development, there was major confusion about whether those courses would be considered YA-approved or not. But the YA replied by saying that only courses by RYSs would be official. Also, the schools will have to teach the classes over live video, unlike online courses that used recorded materials.

The fact that the YA had plans to implement new standards for yoga schools, courses and teachers made this harder. The plans had to be postponed. The YA decided to roll out the plans in longer and more phases. The implementation is slated to be completed by February 2022, taking into account all the delays due to the pandemic.

Post-COVID Response Of Yoga Schools

Ever since the pandemic started, there have undoubtedly been many changes in the working of yoga centres. Naturally, their operations, systems, and pricing changed too in reaction to this. But, different schools responded differently to this situation. 

Other Yoga Schools

All yoga schools undeniably lost a lot of business as a result of the fear of contagion. After all, yoga and a pandemic do not mix well in the close quarters of a classroom. Therefore, to attract more people, these yoga schools started reducing their prices by huge percentages. Prospective customers too became bolder when it came to negotiations. To cope with this, the management of yoga schools started cutting costs wherever they could. Often, these turned out to be areas that affected the health, living conditions, and learning experiences of the students.

For example, many yoga teacher training schools started cramming too many students in the same batch. It resulted in a huge crowd in the batches. The result was obvious: a blatant flouting of COVID safety rules. Students and teachers could not maintain social distancing rules. It became impossible to sanitize and clean the facilities as much as health organizations recommended. Dormitory rooms usually house not more than two people normally. But, to save money, now, schools started accommodating three to four people in one room.

Not only that but food quality declined to in the taste as well as the health aspect. Earlier, meals would contain a variety of dishes to ensure a balanced diet. That was no longer the case. Moreover, a yoga teacher training course contains a number of different modules. In pre-pandemic times, different trainers would teach different modules depending on which they had the most expertise. But now, these schools started assigning a single teacher to teach the entire course. Needless to say, the quality of education and practice dropped drastically. 

Aadi Yoga School

Of course, not every yoga school participated in this price war. One of them is the Aadi Yoga School. The Aadi Yoga School went out of its way to uphold the true spirit of yoga during the pandemic. The standards of training, accommodation, and food did not deteriorate. Aadi Yoga School would employ five teachers to teach one course before the pandemic started. It did not change this rule at any point. It also kept the batch sizes small, at just ten students per batch. This not only helped with social distancing but also ensured full attention and guidance to each student.

The school also maintained the variety and quality of food that students were served. Because the Aadi Yoga School receives students from all over the world, it still cooked meals of many different cuisines. It acknowledged that students who came from far and wide to the birthplace of yoga to learn this practice deserved fair treatment. They deserved to have food that they were comfortable with and that suited their food habits. Moreover, all the ingredients used were original too.

It did not change the living situation in the dorms either. They maintained the homely, spiritual environment. In true yogic philosophy, they gave greater importance to the students than to money. The management too maintained their professionalism and discipline at every step. It focussed on quality over quantity. They worked hard to ensure that doing yoga in the pandemic was not any less safe than it was before. There was no slack in keeping up the level of sanitation and hygiene within the school premises either.

Choose The Right Yoga School… Choose Aadi Yoga School

In general, yoga teacher training courses now cost anything between INR 15,000 and INR 1,50,000. This is for typical 200-hour teacher training courses that last between 22 and 25 days, sometimes extending to a month. Thus, yoga schools are either making courses dirt-cheap or exorbitantly high. This affects the yoga learning experience for the worse. The Aadi Yoga School does believe in such shortcuts. Instead, they maintained prices as well as their course quality.

Since yoga classes started since the pandemic, people have been calling different schools, comparing prices, and choosing on that basis. This, without trying, has become the number one reason for the degradation of educational standards among prospective yoga trainers. Hence, instead of dying on that hill, choose a yoga teacher training course from Aadi Yoga School. We can guarantee that you will not regret choosing Aadi Yoga School.

Highlights Of Aadi Yoga School

  1. Best Training: A multi-style Yoga Teacher Training Course Affiliate By Yoga Alliance USA
  2. Best Location: In Front Of Ganga River (Near Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh)
  3. Best Food: Best Quality and Variety of Food serve by Aadi Yoga School. (They use international brands in the ingredients. Their commitment to food is Variety, Quality and Quantity. In Indian yoga schools, no one can compete with them in the food. For more information, visit their menu & ingredients page)
  4. Best Team: Aadi Yoga Have best Experienced Team

Aadi Yoga commit to a family Environment During Your Yoga Journey with them

Courses Offer By Aadi Yoga School

  1. Residential 200 hours YTTC – A beginner’s yoga teacher training course
  2. Residential 300 hours – An Advanced yoga teacher training course
  3. Residential 100 Hours – This course is convenient for those students who wish to complete 200 hours YTTC in two trips. 
  4. Residential 50 hours – Aerial yoga teacher training course
  5. 1-week yoga retreat
  6. Online 200 Hours YTTC
  7. Online 300 Hours YTTC

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