Common Yoga mistakes

Yoga always needs practice as no one is good at beginning and mistakes are an important part of learning. If you are also a yoga learner, then it is possible that you make some common yoga mistakes. Following are a few common yoga mistakes that can change your practice if you fix them:

Arriving late for class

Many learners reach late for their yoga class which can stress your mind. So try to give yourself sufficient time to park your vehicle, make an entry, and begin your practice. It will promote a relaxed and calm mindset and help you to leave your stress behind at the door. Try to reach 5-15 minutes before your practice so that you can communicate with your fellow students and teachers.

Wearing uncomfortable clothing

Work out always need the outfit in which you can feel comfortable. No one can find it on the first trial that the dress you are wearing for yoga is going to work in a better way for your body or not. Don’t wear too tight, scratchy, restrictive or sweaty clothes as they will distract you from concentrating on yoga and breath. Always wear those clothes which make you feel good and comfortable.

Not cleaning your mat

A clean yoga mat with good smell helps you to practice properly. If you are practicing hot yoga, then your yoga mat will soon become smelly and will distract you from practicing. A dirty mat can also lead you to get infection or injury. So, clean and maintain your mat properly.

Using your mobile during class

Our phones are big sources of disturbance in our lives and distract us from reaching our goals. So, try to leave your phone out of your yoga class so that you and your fellow learners can easily concentrate on yoga. If you want your phone to be with you then turns its ring off but tries to let it outside your class.

Holding your breath

It can be very hard to establish and maintain a slow deep yogic breathing during a yoga workout if you haven’t practiced it before in your lifetime. Many yoga movements are all about the breath, but don’t try to hold your breath to maintain speed with the teacher. Here you can also add in more breaths when required and allow your body to breathe easily every time.

Letting your eyes roam throughout the class

Many people experience lack of concentration because they always let their eyes to roam around the class. Drishti is a practice in yoga which is helpful to establish and maintain your focus and prevent your eyes from roaming all around. You can also keep your eyes concentrated on one place to promote balance, presence, concentration and power.

Working out with a full tummy

Keeping your meal and practice on track is important. If you are too one of those who eats their meal just before their yoga practice, then it can be out of track for you. Eating heavy food and liquids just before your yoga practice will make you feel heavy, uneasy and will slow down your speed in certain poses. But this doesn’t mean you practice with an empty stomach. Try to have light food or snacks one or two hours before your yoga practice.

Judging yourself against others

It is simple to bring the competitive nature of our culture into our yoga work out, but judging yourself against the next persons in your class will do more impairment than good. If you are trying to copy other students, then it will distract you and make you away from reaching your real goal of yoga. It could potentially source you to drive yourself too hard as well as get injured. While you are also going through the same situations, then you should remind yourself that everybody has born with different features and characters and we are all in special places in our journey of yoga.

If you will follow these steps and fix these common mistakes during your yoga practice, then you will definitely reach your goals in no time. We wishing you all the best for your yoga journey.